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Mac n Cheese


Mac n Cheese with Broccoli – this gooey delight sure fires some neurons even in an exhausted brain! That is why it makes for a perfect midnight snack (read: a whole meal) while also operating as a working lunch. Its versatility allows it to be devoured on happy days and sad, as a hangover killer or lazy leftover breakfast option. 

But it does not have to be all that unhealthy- you can add nutrition into your favorite childhood hunger pangs savior and introduce… wait for it… cue drumrolls… pull curtains… broccoli in it! Now, for all the veggie haters and picky eaters out there, don’t leave already, it isn’t as bad as you think. We have a way to salvage both your health and taste buds in our new broccoli mac n cheese recipe. Read on!  

 3 Reasons to LOVE this Recipe  

1. Comfort food: The way the pasta is cooked to ultimate softness, along with the cheesy and gooey goodness it comes mixed with, makes for the perfect comfort food. Craving the warm hug of crunch along with the cheese? You can easily customize it by adding some breadcrumbs and baking it until it’s golden brown! 

2. Healthy benefits: The broccoli in the mac and cheese is a great source of protein, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and antioxidants. Its benefits include helping reduce inflammation, keeping blood sugar stable, and strengthening the immune system. Various cooking methods alter its nutritional benefits but steaming causes the least harm. 

3. Lazy leftovers: This ultimate comfort food serves as a key to memories from childhood, unlocking avenues of nostalgia and warm fuzz, especially in the cold months. During the holiday season, it can be easily reheated and consumed on the day after. Especially, if you had a little too much to drink on the previous night and are understandably too lazy to cook!  


1. Whole Wheat Macaroni Pasta- Cooked  

2. Low-fat Colby Cheese- Shredded  

3. Frozen Broccoli- Steamed and Drained  


1. Cook pasta according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 

2. Drain and keep aside. 

3. Wash and cut broccoli into bite-size pieces. 

4. Steam cut and drained broccoli in another container for a minute or two. 

5. Do not overcook broccoli. 

6. Drain broccoli and add to the pasta in the pan. 

7. Add cheese and cook for another 1-2 minutes until cheese is well melted and mixture is mixed well.   

 NutriPledge Food Rating and Therapeutic Health Benefits  

This recipe is rated as Green Yellow Dot | Healthy Meal Replacer and comes with the following healthy qualities:  

  • Moderate in calories per serving and makes a healthy meal  
  • Great balance of carbohydrates, protein, fat and dietary fiber  
  • Healthy balance of sodium and no added sugars  
  • Excellent source of antioxidants (Selenium (139% DV), Copper (56 %DV), Manganese (175% DV) and Vitamin C (56% DV))  
  • Good source of Calcium and Phosphorus  


Dietitian Nutritionist Recommendations  

This classic mac and cheese with broccoli recipe is a healthier and simpler twist to the original. Feel free to include this recipe as a part of your healthy eating. Remember no one food is perfect, so you need to include foods from all food groups on a general healthy diet (whole grains, whole fruits, vegetables, lean meats, eggs, fish, beans, legumes, lentils and low-fat dairy) with minimally added sugar, fat, salt and other food additives. 

Disclaimer: Please note that this page is not medical advice. This can only be used as general guidance to a healthy and balanced diet for your health and wellness. This food does not ensure an adequate or inadequate and safe level of intake for a single person. Please consult your health care provider and check out our Medical Nutrition Therapy services for the diet plan that is right for you!  

*Check out our My Plate to Your Plate wellness workshop to learn more about healthy eating and optimizing your health and wellness. 

*Try our Food Coach to check your current NutriHealth Score (An assessment of your current health and wellness).